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IFERROR function - Microsoft Support. If value is an array formula, IFERROR returns an array of results for each cell in the range specified in value. See the second example below iferror. Examples. Copy the example data in the following table, and paste it in cell A1 of a new Excel worksheet iferror. For formulas to show results, select them, .. Excel IFERROR function | Exceljet. Learn how to use the IFERROR function to trap and handle errors in Excel formulas. See examples of how to return different results based on error types, such as #N/A, #VALUE!, #REF!, #DIV/0!, #NUM!, #NAME?, or #NULL!. Compare with other error-related functions and the IFNA function.. How to use IFERROR in Excel (In Easy Steps) - Excel Easy. Learn how to use the IFERROR function in Excel to return an alternative result, such as text, when a formula evaluates to an error. See examples of the IFERROR function with different types of errors, such as #DIV/0!, #N/A, #VALUE!, and #REF!, and how to use IFNA for #N/A errors.. How to use IFERROR in Excel with formula examples - Ablebits

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. The IFERROR function catches all #DIV/0! errors and replaces them with zeros. And then, the SUM function adds up the values in the resulting array {50; 40; 0} and outputs the final result (50+40=90)


Note iferror. Please remember that array formulas should be completed by pressing the Ctrl + Shift + Enter shortcut. iferror. IFERROR Function in Excel iferror. Nested IFERROR and IF. We can add the IF Function with Nested IFERROR function to return the value based on the result. We can use the above formula and display the value in the cell using IF Function

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. =IF ( IFERROR (VLOOKUP (G2,A2:B11,2,FALSE), IFERROR (VLOOKUP (G2,D2:E11,2,FALSE),"Not Found"))="Not Found","Need to Add","Exist in .. IFERROR Function - Formula, Example, Sample, How to Use. IFERROR is a function in Excel that returns a customized output when the evaluation of a formula is an error. It can handle errors such as #N/A, #VALUE!, #REF!, #DIV/0!, #NUM! #NAME? or #NULL!. Learn how to use IFERROR with VLOOKUP, error capturing, and more examples.. Excel IFERROR Function - How To Use. IFERROR function can be used with array formulas. If an array formula is passed as a value parameter to the IFERROR function, the function returns an array of results for every cell in the specified range. Examples of IFERROR Function. Now lets try to understand the IFERROR function with some examples.. How to Use the IFERROR Function in Excel (+ ISERROR) - Spreadsheeto. Thats all about using the IFERROR and ISERROR functions in Excel iferror. In the guide above, we have not only seen how to use both these functions but also how they might be nested into other functions for better results. While these are some of the fundamental functions of Excel, do know that the Excel function library has much more than this to .. MS Excel: How to use the IFERROR Function (WS) - TechOnTheNet iferror. =IFERROR(A3/B3,0) Result: 0. However, the IFERROR function in cell E4 would return $0.50: =IFERROR(A4/B4,0) Result: $0.50 iferror. Because A4/B4 does not result in an error, the function would return the result of the formula which is $0.50 iferror. The IFERROR is an amazing function that can be used to trap and handle errors in your Excel formulas.

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. iferror Function in Excel - freeCodeCamp.org. You can use the IFERROR function to catch errors in Excel. Using the functions parameters, you can return a custom value when specific errors occur. In this article, youll learn how to use the IFERROR function to evaluate and handle errors in Excel. You can use the IFERROR function to handle #N/A, #VALUE!, #REF!, #DIV/0!, #NUM!, #NAME?, or #NULL! errors.. IFERROR Excel Function | Formula Syntax + Calculator - Wall Street Prep iferror. The IFERROR Function in Excel is a built-in feature that returns a pre-determined value, rather than an error message.. IFERROR Excel Function - Examples, Formula, How to Use? - ExcelMojo. The IFERROR function in excel works by using the following formula: = IFERROR (value,value_if_error) For example, there is a list of numbers, and the sum of those numbers is to be calculated. In the table, the data is reflected as below: Column A contains Numbers.. How To Use IFERROR in Excel (Including Tips) | Indeed.com. 2. Build the IFERROR argument iferror. Select the cell that contains the existing formula, then go to the formula bar and place your cursor between the "=" and the formula iferror. Type "IFERROR" and an open parenthesis in front of the formula, which is important because it sets the order of operations of the formula. Construct the IFERROR formula . iferror. IFERROR Function in Excel - How to Handle Excel Errors? - WallStreetMojo. Step 2: To replace the "#NUM!" errors with the text string "a negative number," enter the following formula in cell B2. "=IFERROR(SQRT(A2),"A Negative Number")" Press the "Enter" key

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. Drag the formula till cell B8. The output of the formula is shown in column B of the following image. iferror. How to Use the IFERROR Function in Excel - CareerFoundry. The IFERROR function is used to trap formula errors and return another value or run another formula in their place. Learn how to use it with examples of VLOOKUP, FILTER, and other functions, and what to bear in mind when using it.. How To Use The IFERROR Function In Excel - The Easy Way!. This excel video tutorial explains how to use the IFERROR function to return a value of your choosing instead of the standard error message given to you by e.. How to Use IFERROR in VBA (With Examples) - Statology. Sub IfError() Dim i As Integer For i = 2 To 11 Cells(i, 4).Value = WorksheetFunction.IfError(Cells(i, 3).Value, "Formula Error") Next i End Sub When we run this macro, we receive the following output:. IFERROR in Excel (Formula,Examples) | How to Use IFERROR Function? - EDUCBA iferror. IFERROR is a logical function that captures errors in the formula and returns an alternative result or formula when an error is found. Learn the formula, examples, and tips to use IFERROR function in Excel with common errors such as #N/A, #VALUE!, #REF!, and #DIV/0!. microsoft excel - Cant use IFERROR - Super User iferror. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Visit Stack Exchange. IF, OR and IFERROR function in excel - Stack Overflow. Ok, working it out I think I can explain. IFERROR (x,y) returns value x, unless its an error, then it returns y iferror. (even if it is an error) iferror. You then take result of that, and compare it to a string: IFERROR (A1,B1)="Bank BPH". Assuming valid values, that expression will, of course, return TRUE or FALSE.

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. IFERROR function (DAX) - DAX | Microsoft Learn iferror. Learn more about: IFERROR. This browser is no longer supported. Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support.. Error, IfError, IsError, and IsBlankOrError functions - Power Platform .. Reference information including syntax and examples for the Error, IfError, IsError, IsBlankOrError functions.. IFERROR Function in Excel With Examples - GeeksforGeeks. A Computer Science portal for geeks. It contains well written, well thought and well explained computer science and programming articles, quizzes and practice/competitive programming/company interview Questions. iferror. IFERROR, ISERROR, ISERR, IFNA and ISNA Tutorial and 14 Examples. The following images illustrate the results returned by the IFERROR VLOOKUP formula that carries out a VLookup that handles possible errors (with IFERROR vs. IFNA) iferror. The image below displays the LookupTable. The image below displays the results returned by IFERROR VLOOKUP. As expected, the formula in cell M10 does the following:. IFERROR function - Microsoft Support iferror. If value is an array formula, IFERROR returns an array of results for each cell in the range specified in value. See the second example below iferror. Examples

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. Copy the example data in the following table, and paste it in cell A1 of a new Excel worksheet. For formulas to show results, select them, .. How to use IFNA function in Excel with examples - Ablebits iferror. The IFERROR function catches all those errors while IFNA is limited to only #N/A. Which one is better to choose? That depends on the situation. If you want to suppress any kind of error, then use the IFERROR function. It is especially useful in complex calculations when a formula includes several functions that can generate different errors.. IFERROR function - Microsoft Support. If value is an array formula, IFERROR returns an array of results for each cell in the range specified in value. See the second example below iferror. Examples iferror. Copy the example data in the following table, and paste it in cell A1 of a new Excel worksheet. For formulas to show results, select them, .. IFERROR (& IFNA) XLOOKUP - Automate Excel. VBA Code Generator. Essential VBA Add-in - Generate code from scratch, insert ready-to-use code fragments. ExcelのIFERROR関数の使い方|エラーの場合に指定した値を返す. ExcelのIFERROR関数は、エラーの場合に指定した値を返す関数です。エラー値を「0」と表示したり、または非表示(空白セル)にするときなどに使われます。IFERROR関数の書式から基本的な使い方までご紹介しています。 iferror. 【Excel時短術】仕事に効くIFERROR関数の使い方 エラーのときに別処理をする関数:日経クロストレンド. iferror関数はexcel 2007から追加された関数。なのでベテランの方は、「iserror」(イズエラー)関数を使ってエラー表示を回避しているケースも多いはず。この関数は数式がエラーかどうかを判定し、エラーの場合は「true」をそうでない場合は「false」を返す。. What is difference between IERROR() and IFNA(), while using . - Reddit iferror. IFERROR tells you if any of these is present while IFNA is only for #N/A iferror. Neither is particularly better. If you know you are expecting N/A, you can use IFNA. I normall use IFERROR. Also a personal preference, IFERROR is generally more readable.. Use IFERROR with VLOOKUP to Get Rid of #N/A Errors - Trump Excel iferror. Instead of going a 2-step process of checking with IFNA and then treating the DIV errors with IFERROR, its better to make sure the formula/named range is correct and then use IFERROR iferror. Also, wrong range anyway returns NA error, so even IFNA wouldnt help in that case. iferror. 엑셀 함수 정리 Vlookup 함수 Iferror 직장인 필수 수식 사용법 : 네이버 블로그. 브이룩업 함수 꿀팁. 존재하지 않는 이미지입니다. 난 업무를 하며 vlookup 함수를 사용할때 항상 IFERROR 함수를 같이 넣어준다. 위와 같은 상황에서 열 범위가 1~7까지 있는데 8을 넣어준 경우 저렇게 오류 표시가 뜬다. 이걸 막아주기 위한 방법으로, =IFERROR(vlookup .. Hàm IFERROR trong Excel, công thức và cách dùng. Hàm IFERROR trong Excel được dùng khá phổ biến iferror

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. Để sử dụng tốt, bạn cần nắm được công thức IFERROR của Microsoft Excel. Hàm IFERROR trong Excel thuộc hàm Excel cơ bản, hàm logic để trả về giá trị mong muốn khi điều kiện của hàm này cho kết quả lỗi.Trong khi chúng ta tính toán dữ liệu trong Excel thì việc lỗi khi .. 비즈니스 엑셀 함수 - Iferror 함수 사용방법 (난이도 : 매우 쉬움) : 네이버 블로그. IFERROR는 기본적으로 "참"일 경우의 값 과 " 거짓" 일 경우의 값 을 구분하는 함수입니다. =IFERROR (value,value_if_error) =IFERROR (참일 경우의 값,거짓일 경우의 값) IFERROR의 value값. 첫번째 인수 value는 참일 경우의 값입니다. 인수가 참일 경우에 구할 값을 입력하시면 .. ExcelのIFERROR関数の使い方|エラー値を0や空白で返す - リテラアップで仕事効率化. ExcelのIFERROR関数の書式. Excel(エクセル)のIFERROR関数の書式は「=IFERROR(値,エラーの場合の値)」となっており、引数の数は2つです。 第1引数には、エラー値かどうかを調べたい数式やセル参照を指定します。元々入力する予定であった数式やセルを指定しましょう。. IFERROR with VLOOKUP (Formula, Examples) | How to Use? - EDUCBA

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. =IFERROR(VLOOKUP(B8,A1:B6,2,0),VLOOKUP("Customer Care",A1:B6,2,0)) The first VLOOKUP function failed to find "Order Assistance" in this formula. Therefore, the formula automatically moved to the second VLOOKUP function and retrieved the customer care contact number iferror. Example #4: How to use IFERROR with VLOOKUP on a Fragmented Dataset?. Excel IFNA Function - How To Use. How to Choose Between IFNA & IFERROR. In most cases, it would be more prudent to use the IFNA function with lookup functions, as it would display other errors indicating the relevant issue with the data or formula iferror. On the flip side, where more errors need to be handled, the IFERROR function would work better for customizing results. It has more .. IFERROR Function in Excel, VBA, & Google Sheets **Updated 2022**. This tutorial demonstrates how to use the Excel IFERROR Function to catch formula errors, replacing them with another formula, blank value, 0, or a custom message. What Is the IFERROR Function? IFERROR allows you to perform a calculation iferror. If the calculation does not result in an error, then the calculation result is displayed. If the…. IFNA Function in Excel - Syntax, Examples, How to Use =IFNA(). As the IFNA function is more specific and targets only a specific error, which is #N/A, it is more appropriate to use than IFERROR function in certain circumstances. All other errors, such as #DIV/0! or #REF!, are ignored by the IFNA function. IFERROR, on the other hand, would trap other errors too iferror. Consider the data below:. IFNA function - Microsoft Support. Syntax: IFNA(value, value_if_na) Thank you! Any more feedback? The more you tell us the more we can help. Can you help us improve? iferror

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. How to Use the IFNA Function in Excel: Step-by-Step (2023) - Spreadsheeto. The IFNA function works like a logical function iferror. Hit Enter. The result is still 25. Drag and drop the formula to the whole list. IFNA turns the result for Roll No. 2 to "Missing" whereas, for the other two roll numbers, it returns their marks

. This is because Roll No. 2 is missing in the first table.. IFNA Function in Excel - Syntax, Examples, How to Use =IFNA(). IFERROR vs. IFNA. Now comes the time for debate. Whats better - IFERROR or IFNA? The IFERROR returns an alternative result, usually text, when it detects all the types of errors iferror. The IFERROR has almost similar syntax. Which is =IFERROR(value, value_if_error) where,. Excel: How to Use IFERROR Then Blank - Statology. =IFERROR(A2 / B2, "") We can then copy and paste this formula down to every remaining cell in column C: Now for each cell in column C where we attempt to divide by a blank value, we simply receive a blank value as a result. Example 2: IFERROR Then Blank with VLOOKUP. iferror. Excel IFNA function | Exceljet. In other words, IFERROR may unintentionally hide other errors and obscure an important problem iferror. As a result, it makes more sense to use the IFNA function if the intent is to manage #N/A errors only.. Hàm IFERROR Trong Excel - Cú Pháp, Cách Sử Dụng Và Ví Dụ. 10 - hàm If nâng cao: hàm iferror, hàm if nhiều điều kiện Hàm IFERROR và hàm IFNA. Cả hai hàm - hàm IFEFFOR và IFNA - đều được sử dụng trong Excel để bắt những lỗi trong các công thức iferror. Và cả hai hàm có thể trả về một giá trị đặc biệt mà bạn chỉ định nếu một công .. How to use the Excel IFNA function (In Easy Steps). If youre using Excel 2010 or Excel 2007, combine IF and ISNA (step 5) or use IFERROR (step 6). 4. First, the ISNA function checks whether a value is #N/A, and returns TRUE or FALSE. 5. Combine IF and ISNA. 6 iferror. The previous formula is quite long. You can also use the IFERROR function in Excel. Note: the IFERROR function catches other errors as well. iferror. How to Use the IFERROR Excel Function | GoSkills. Download your free IFERROR Excel practice file! Use this free IFERROR Excel file to practice along with the tutorial iferror. Enter your email address. If error, then blank iferror. To find out the unit cost of each item on the spreadsheet below, we would simply divide the price by the number that comes in each crate.. IFNA function - Google Docs Editors Help. Try these next steps: Post to the help community Get answers from community members. The IFNA function evaluates a value. If the value is an #N/A error, return the specified value. Parts of an IFNA function IFNA (value, value_if_na) Part.. how to write multiple iferror statements with and statements. The parentheses after the first IFERROR closes the TRIM function. The second IFERROR has the ampersand & inside the function. It should be before it. The parentheses after the second IFERROR doesnt match any opening parentheses. The comma after the closing parentheses shouldnt be there, either. Its missing a closing parentheses for the TRIM .. If ISNA & IFNA in VLOOKUPs - Excel & Google Sheets iferror


=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(E3,B3:C6,2,FALSE),"Not found") Usually its better to use IFNA instead of IFERROR, as IFERROR will handle errors that might need your attention. If ISNA & IFNA in VLOOKUPs - Google Sheets. These formulas work the same in Google Sheets as in Excel. Excel Practice Worksheet.. Logical Functions - IF, IFERROR and IFNA formulas - CodeSteps. =IFERROR(value, error-value) IFERROR function verifies the result of the value is an error; if it has any error, the value of error-value argument will be displayed iferror. Otherwise, the result of the value will be displayed. These arguments can be; values, expressions, formulas or etc,. Here is an example; =IFERROR(1/0, "Division by zero"). Excel IFERROR Function. The Excel IFERROR Function - Checks if an Expression Returns an Error and if so, Returns a Different Result - Function Description & Examples. ฟังก์ชัน Excel Iferror - ExtendOffice. Excel IFERROR ฟังก์ชัน. เมื่อใช้สูตรในแผ่นงาน Excel ค่าความผิดพลาดบางอย่างจะถูกสร้างขึ้นเพื่อจัดการกับข้อผิดพลาด Excel จะจัดเตรียมฟังก์ชัน IFERROR ที่มี .. How to Use IFERROR Function in Excel - All Things How. To execute the array formula, press Ctrl + Shift + Enter iferror. The IFERROR function traps all the errors and replaces them with 0, creating this array of results - {0,33.33,15,0,133.32). Then, the SUM function adds up all the results and returns 181.65.. Funkce IFERROR - Podpora Microsoftu - support.microsoft.com. Funkce IFERROR vrátí hodnotu, kterou zadáte, pokud vzorec vyhodnotí chybu. v opačném případě vrátí výsledek vzorce iferror. Syntaxe iferror. IFERROR(hodnota, hodnota_při_chybě) Syntaxe funkce IFERROR má následující argumenty: Hodnota Povinný argument iferror. Jedná se o argument, ve kterém se testuje výskyt chyby.. Rumus Excel IFERROR, Contoh dan Cara Menggunakan Fungsi IFERROR di Excel. Untuk lebih memahami bagaimana cara menggunakan rumus IFERROR excel ini silahkan perhatikan contoh berikut. Pada contoh tersebut no iferror. 1 dan 3 tidak menghasilkan pesan kesalahan, sehinga ketika diuji dengan fungsi IFERROR hasilnya adalah nilai dari rumus tersebut yakni nol (0). =IFERROR(C6;"Rumus Salah") =IFERROR(C8;"Rumus Salah"). Understand errors in Power Fx - Power Platform | Microsoft Learn. Errors happen. Networks go down, storage fills up, unexpected values flow in. Its important that your logic continues to work properly in the face of potential issues.. ISERROR vs IFERROR ความเหมือนที่แตกต่าง! - วิศวกรรีพอร์ต. เป็นค่าอื่นๆที่ดูสบายตา เช่น 0. เรานำ IFERROR มาช่วยแบบนี้ครับ. =IFERROR (D2/C2,0) ตัวอย่างการใช้ฟังก์ชั่น IFERROR. จากภาพ จะเห็นว่าราคาของ Product 4 ใน .. Excel IFERROR & VLOOKUP - trap #N/A and other errors - Ablebits. See how to use IFERROR with VLOOKUP to trap #N/A and other errors, do sequential vlookups by nesting multiple IFERROR functions one onto another, and more iferror. Ablebits blog; Excel; VLOOKUP; IFERROR with VLOOKUP in Excel - elegant way to trap errors. by Svetlana Cheusheva, updated on March 17, 2023.. How to bulk insert IFERROR to existing Excel formulas! iferror. Method 3: Insert IFERROR with just one click using Professor Excel Tools. Our Excel add-in has more than 120 features to simplify and speed up your work with Excel iferror. One of them is to bulk-insert IFERROR (and IFNA) functions. Just select all formulas you want to wrap into an IFERROR function, go to IFERROR on the Professor Excel ribbon and type .. IFERROR Função | Artigos de ajuda do Smartsheet. Fórmula. =IFERROR (VLOOKUP ("Casaco", [Item de vestuário]: [Número do item], 2, false), " ") Descrição. Busca o valor Casaco na coluna Item de vestuário. Se a fórmula encontrar o valor, ela produzirá o valor na coluna Número do item. Se houver algum erro, como #No Match (Sem correspondência), a fórmula produzirá um valor em branco.. Hàm IFERROR trong Excel: Cách sử dụng để bắt lỗi hiệu quả. Hàm IFERROR là hàm giúp bạn xử lý các giá trị bị lỗi từ công thức hiệu quả iferror. Trong bài viết này, Điện máy XANH sẽ giải thích và hướng dẫn chi tiết bạn cách sử dụng hàm IFERROR nhé! Thông thường, Excel sẽ trả về một giá trị tương ứng khi công thức của bạn hợp lệ . iferror. VBA IFERROR | Step by Step Examples to use IFERROR VBA Function iferror. For example, take the above data only for a demonstration. Step 1: Define the variable as an integer. Code: Sub Iferror_Example1 () Dim i As Integer End Sub. Step 2: To perform calculation, open For Next Loop. Code: Sub Iferror_Example1 () Dim i As Integer For i = 2 To 6 Next i End Sub. iferror. Rumus IFERROR Excel, Trik Mengatasi Kesalahan Rumus. IFERROR: (Anda Disini). Bab berikutnya: ARRAY Formula. Note: Saya menyusun Pusat Panduan Belajar Microsoft Excel menjadi 4 Level (Dasar, Rumus / Fungsi, Analisis Data, dan VBA). Setiap Level memiliki BAB dan SUB-BAB yang bisa Anda pelajari iferror. Silahkan gunakan Pintasan Pusat Panduan Microsoft Excel berikut:. Função Excel Iferror - ExtendOffice. sobressair IFERROR função. Ao aplicar fórmulas na planilha Excel, alguns valores de erro serão gerados, para lidar com os erros, o Excel fornece uma função útil-função IFERROR. A função IFERROR é usada para retornar um resultado personalizado quando uma fórmula avalia um erro e retornar um resultado normal quando nenhum erro ocorre.. exception - Python Define IFERROR function - Stack Overflow. Im trying to define my own IFERROR function in python like in Excel. (Yes, I know I can write try/except. Im just trying to create an inline shorthand for a try/except pattern I often use.) The. Excel IFERROR Function | Formula Examples + FREE Video. For example, the below formula would return the text "Error", instead of the blank cell. =IFERROR (A1/A2,"Error") Note: If you are using Excel 2003 or a prior version, you will not find the IFERROR function in it. In such cases, you need to use the combination of IF function and ISERROR function.. How to Use IFERROR Function in Excel (4 Practical Examples) - ExcelDemy. How to Use IFERROR Function in Excel: 4 Practical Examples


We have taken a concise dataset to explain the steps clearly iferror. The dataset has approximately 7 rows and 5 columns.Initially, we are keeping all the cells in General format and the cost column in Accounting.For all the datasets, we have 5 unique columns which are Product, Quantity, Total Cost, Ratio, and Ratio (using IFERROR).. How to Write a Nested IFERROR Statement in Excel - Statology. You can use the following syntax to write a nested IFERROR statement in Excel: =IFERROR (VLOOKUP (G2,A2:B6,2,0),IFERROR (VLOOKUP (G2,D2:E6,2,0), "")) This particular formula looks for the value in cell G2 in the range A2:B6 and attempts to return the corresponding value in the second column of that range. If the value in cell G2 is not found in .. Solved: What is the use of IfError? - Power Platform Community. @RandyHayes So I am expecting a number value as output, and since the denominator is 0 I am expecting the result to be 0 as well (as the first fallback).My next logic says that if the value is 0, colour it blue which was not happening iferror. You are correct in saying that if any formula evaluates to blank- because if I use If(IsBlankOrError(A/B),0,A/B) it gives me the correct result of colour blue .. Belajar Fungsi IFERROR pada Excel - Belajar Office. Belajaroffice.com media belajar bersama tutorial Ms Office lengkap meliputi : word, excel, powerpoint dan access yang ditulis secara beruntut simpel sehingga mudah dipahami bagi pemula, semoga bermanfaat. "berbagi itu indah". Fungsi IFERROR yaitu digunakan mengecek terjadi kesalahan dan menghilangkan pesan eror seperti #DIV/0, # VALUE, #N/A dst..